
Paulette's Autumn Newsletter

We're back again after our Summer recess [a bit like Parliament, but far nicer!]…..
The cast is well into rehearsals for the forthcoming production of Entertaining Angels, directed by Sheila Hetherington. After having great difficulty in finding an actress for one of the parts, we are now happy to welcome Jess Lloyd to the production. Jess, a drama teacher at the Grange School, Hartford, uses our theatre for her junior drama group productions from time to time so is familiar with the theatre but has not acted with us before. Also in this production we welcome new member, Maggie Innes who is assisting Sheila in direction. Maggie has moved to Northwich from Scotland and, like Jess, is experienced in the drama field.
Our production of Entertaining Angels opens Tuesday November 17th running to Saturday November 21st. Tickets are available online at http://www.danarts.org/events/davenham-players-entertaining-angels/ or from Andrea on 01606 259596 @ £9.00 each.
VISITING DRAMA – KISSING FROGS 8:00PM Thursday 22nd October 2015
Sophie Osborne visits Davenham with one of the first evenings of her one-woman show Kissing Frogs.  Meet Jessica Ramsbottom - or Jess to her friends. Jess has just turned 30 and she's STILL single, no children and stuck in a dead-end job.
In a whirlwind world of speed dating, online dating and one-night stands, does her perfect man really exist? Will she find the husband of her dreams or will she be the only one of her friends not to be married?
Kissing Frogs is a journey of love, loss and self-discovery, full of laughter and set to a backdrop of classic hits from the 80's.
Tickets £8.00 may be reserved via susi.osborne@hotmail.co.uk or phone 01606 553433.


Jan Johnson and team are now holding fortnightly Mosaic workshops, the next date being Sunday 25th October. There are now two sessions per workshop day and booking is essential to avoid disappointment. For details of session times and availability, see Facebook page The Davenham Village Mosaic Project. The team have come up with a couple of opportunities to create and take away your own hand-worked Mosaic item. Children have already made tile-surrounded mirrors to their own individual design and the latest opportunity is a kit to make a star in mosaic – ideal for the Christmas tree!


We began the season with our AGM on 5th Sept which was well attended this year. The  main issues discussed were :-
·         Mike Beddard has carried out a Health and Safety check and several items have been attended to. We now have an emergency key in place at the bottom of the steps to access the audience door in the foyer in case of fire. Risk assessment checks are carried out before each event. There is an accident book in the auditorium.
·         We have been awarded a £10,000 grant from the Arts Council towards the mosaic, which is coming  on apace. Sunday workshops are well attended. The next one is 18th Oct 12-4pm. It is hoped to use some of the money to develop the yard and entrance so as to show off the finished mosaic to best effect.
·         We are saving steadily for the extension project.   Detailed plans have been submitted and the next step is planning permission.
·         The existing committee was willing to be re-elected and Lee Morgan has joined the committee.
To realize our dream of extending the building we are going to need to raise somewhere in the region of £90,000 so if any of you have fund raising ideas please let us have them.


The first play reading took place in September and this month's was on Thursday 15th October. There will not be a November one due to our play Entertaining Angels but readings will restart in December.
This is an ideal opportunity to try out your hand/voice [?] at reading if you are not sure whether or not you would like to tread the boards. A play reading is also an excellent way of finding out what a play actually sounds like rather than just reading to oneself. 
We are always on the lookout for new people to join us, to bring new talent and new ideas to the group. Remember too, that it is not necessary to act to join us. There are 101 jobs to be done and Arthur is always in need of a hand with set building and maintenance.

NEW WEBSITE www.davenhamtheatre.co.uk or www.davenhamplayers.co.uk

Our new website 'went live' earlier this month. Its url hasn't changed – it remains as http://www.davenhamplayers.co.uk/. However, it has had a considerable facelift and is now a fully functional website that will be used to publicize all events at the theatre including Jazz, Music and Drama and of course the Mosaic project. For this reason, we have also bought the alternate url www.davenhamtheatre.co.uk. Both urls point to the same site, so you can use either. The remodeled website will take over from the Blog, which will no longer be updated once all the information has been transferred.
The popular local singer Chris Bannister returns to Davenham to present an evening of music by John Denver. Although this event is sold out, there is a waiting list for cancellations. Phone 01606 259596.
JAZZ@DAVENHAM - The Matt Owens Quintet Thursday 29th October – dave atherton reports
Last year Matt Owens gave us a copy of his debut album The Aviators Ball which incorporates elements of jazz, world, classical and folk music. What a lovely album - co-produced by Kirsty Almeida, mixed by John Ellis at Limefield Studio, Manchester and released by All Made Up Records. Matt will be playing this album and other music during this gig. Most of Matt's line up is very well known to us but we are excited to be able to welcome the fabulous singer Rioghnach Connolly to jazz@davenham, for the first time. Featuring Matt Owens bass, Rioghnach Connolly vocals, Neil Yates trumpet, John Ellis piano, Sam Draper drums. For further details, see the Jazz@Davenham Facebook page or http://www.davenhamplayers.co.uk/jazz/. As always you can book at jazz@davenham.co via email or phone Harry (01606 74502) or Dave (44253)
I thought it may be of interest to the Davenham Players and supporters that I have uploaded three short films to YouTube. Of particular interest may be A Good Slap which was filmed in Davenham and Little Leigh and features Ed Green and David Gilliver. Castle of the Rock was filmed at Beeston Castle and Giri was filmed on Merseyside.
I hope you enjoy the films. All are, of course, free to view. Here is the link to my channel. Please pass on the link – Alan Fleet
'Whatever it is, it never starts out at Truro, and it never runs into St. Anne  If it be a natural thing   where do it come from... where do it go?" Man Wanted to play Richard Winthrop, aged 30-50 for Production of The Ghost Train at Ashton Hayes Nov 17th -21st - contact Yvette 07707 830286 ASAP, please. Yvette promises a new, fast-moving take on Arnold Ridley's play. Please help them get this play back on the rails.
ED green's SHAKESPEARE PRODUCTION at kingsley players
Kingsley Players present Bite-sized Shakespeare ( 7:30pm on Wed 21st – Sat 24th October Kingsley Community Centre, Smithy Lane) With acknowledgements for the great ideas of Flic Goodman & Tom Barry on how to re—assemble the Bard. This production has extracts from 12th Night, “The Scottish Play”, Midsummer Night's Dream & Romeo and Juliet
Tickets (£8/£7/£5) available on http://www.kingsleyplayers.co.uk or phone 07925 516760.
Harlequin Players present the birds Wed 21st –  Sat 24th October
Next up at the Harlequin Theatre 'The Birds', This is an atmospheric play, chilling, claustrophobic, questioning, mesmerizing and with a twist. Definitely one not to be missed!! Four amazing actors, Carol Cullen Smith, George Ogazi, Natalie Duddle, and Kyle Preece, directed by Angie Orme  Wed 21st - Saturday 24th October. 7.45 pm. Tickets are £10 and £9 for students available online www.harlequinplayers.com or by Telephone 01606 246831.
PSA Testing at ASDA, Winsford Saturday 14th november 10:00am-2:00pm
Readers may know about Bob's personal connection with Prostate Cancer and a local charity who provide PSA testing for any man who turns up at the session for a £10.00 donation to help cover the cost of the laboratory analysis. The next local session is being held at ASDA Winsford from 10:00am to 2:00pm. All men over the age of 40 are strongly recommended to monitor their PSA which could give an early warning of Prostate Cancer.

 Dates for your diary.

22nd Oct    Kissing Frogs - a journey of love, loss and self- discovery . This is a visiting drama show starring and written by Sophie Osborne. Tickets £8 from susi.osborne@hotmail.co.uk or 01606 553433
23rd  Oct Musical evening with Chris Bannister- tickets £10 from  01606 259596
Jazz nights - 29th Oct, 26th Nov, 11th Dec
17th-21st Nov – Play week ‘ Entertaining Angels ‘ booking see above.
10th Dec Carol singing. Last year 5 of us raised £129  and it was a fun evening . Please bring yourselves , your warm clothes and your VOICES [ good or bad!]
That’s all for now folks.


Play Reading Tonight

Denise Barry is holding one of her monthly play readings at the theatre TONIGHT Thursday 15th October from 7:30pm.

The first play reading took place in September and the next is on Thursday 15th October. There will not be a November one due to our play Entertaining Angels, but readings will restart in December.

This is an ideal opportunity to try out your hand/voice [?] at reading if you are not sure whether or not you would like to tread the boards. A play reading is also an excellent way of finding out what a play actually sounds like rather than just reading to oneself. 

We are always on the lookout for new people to join us, to bring new talent and new ideas to the group. Remember too, that it is not necessary to act to be part of us. There are 101 jobs to be done and Arthur is always in need of a hand with set building and maintenance.