
Hello all,
 Just an update of all that's about to happen at 'The Davenham Players' in the next few weeks.
 After a very successful production of ' A Midsummer Night's Dream', which played to full houses for 4 nights we come down to earth with a bump and meet this coming Wed for the AGM. Well done to Tom and Flic and to all involved in MSND.

 5th June at 7.30pm for the AGM.  If you want to have say in what you'd like to see happening at the theatre in the future, then this is your chance. Also you will be able to view the proposed plans for a ground floor extension to provide a new foyer and toilet block, which we hope to be able to fund in the near future.

 12th June- at 7.30pm- play reading. Sheila is  bringing along 2 plays, one an all women and one with both sexes.

20th June- 7.30pm- Swap Shop. This is an evening for the ladies[sorry guys!]  Ladies come along with 3 items of  clothing or accessories [bags ,shoes scarves, jewellery etc] you would like to get rid of . You each pay £3  and receive a card with your name on. The items are displayed around the room  for you to have a good look and try on if you so desire.  Name cards will  be put into a hat and drawn in turn to allow each of you to choose an item of your choice so that everyone gets a fair chance and it's not just a free-for-all.  We will do this twice more . If you would like to bring more than 3 items, then we will auction off these at the end. There will be light refreshments and a bar .
 Please come along and support this evening and bring along as many friends as you wish; proceeds go towards our building fund.
 Adrian Sumner is holding a series of Art Lectures on 
5th ,12th 19th   June each at 1.30pm
and 14th  June at 7.30pm  Check the danarts website for more details.
 29th June - at 7.30pm A one women show- ' Sunny Ormonde'[ Lilian Bellamy from the Archers]  Bookings with danarts.

11th July Jamie Morris is providing us with another of his very entertaining quiz evenings £1 pp 7.30 for an 8 pm start.

18th July- Play reading of ' Moonshine' by Jim Nolan

30th Aug- Jazz night - more details later 

7th Sept - Arts/ Craft day 10-4pm book a table for £5 with me.

11th-13th Sept-  'Tin Shed' presents 'Effie's Burning' , 'A Cream Cracker under the Settee' and 'A Lady of Letters'. 

7th Dec Christmas entertainment from your good selves in the form of a Cabaret night . Get your thinking caps on. More details later and a get together after the arts day to plan a programme.

 Hope to see  you soon at one or all of the events.
