Hello everyone,
I hope you're enjoying your summer and the (fairly) good weather . I say fairly, as it is raining at the moment but the gardens do need it don't they, even if we don't !
The AGM....
We had a well attended AGM meeting with 13 members present and much healthy discussion . We have 3 new committee members and a new chairman. Phil Perry, who has been standing in as chairman since Sue
Tamblin left, felt unable to fulfill the post due to the commitments of a new job. However, we are pleased that he is still on our committee and wish him well with the job.
Our new chairman is Bob Almquist, a very worthy and popular choice. The 3 new committee members are Denise Barry, Ed Green and Don Anderson. Your committee members and their responsibilities are:-
Bob Almquist- Chairman- responsible for lettings,bookings, publicity, treasurer [til Dec 2011]
Paulette Anderson- secretary- newsletters , membership, publicity.
Don Anderson- treasurer [ from Jan 2012]
Andrea Scott- bar
Vanessa Duffy -publicity
Graham Hough- Lighting & sound
Arthur Jones building & maintenance
Phil Perry- posters & fliers
Ed Green- artistic director
Denise Barry-social events.
And thanks go to Janet Illidge who is not on the committee but is still willing to apply for grants on our behalf.
The questionnaire that Phil recently compiled has been returned by a few members but not many, so if you have not yet completed it , please send it to Phil as soon as possible so that he can assess the results.
If you have any queries , please contact the relevant committee member through either Bob Almquist tel: 01606 45186 or myself, Paulette tel: 01606 79779
Forthcoming Events.....
We are using the summer to complete jobs at the theatre. We have already attacked the costume room and are about to re-vamp the bar on Sat 6th Aug at 10a.m. So if you can spare a couple of hours do come along. We are very appreciative of any help and time that you offer and can't do it without you !
See you soon,