Welcome members and friends to the new season at the ‘Players’, especially to three members new this summer, Raymond Davy, David Eaton & Pam Molloy. By the time you read this you will have heard about or, hopefully are at the barbecue on 11th Sept which launches the 2010-2011 season. Unfortunately, we say a fond farewell to Maggie Tippin who has been an active part of our committee and club for an all too short period. We will miss her but hope she will continue to visit us and wish her a very happy and healthy retirement in Liverpool.
What have we been up to in the last season and over the summer? …
‘The Cemetery Club’, directed by Sheila Hetherington, was staged in June to enthusiastic reaction by audiences and was judged a very successful production by all.
‘Body Shop’ Our lady members spent an enjoyable few hours at ‘The Body Shop’ evening later the same month. Thanks go to Greta, Mo Morron’s sister, who was our hostess for the evening.
Theatre Guild awards - Bob, Sheila and I spent an exciting evening at the Cheshire Theatre Guild awards night on 7th June. I say ‘exciting’, because Barbara Crellin’s play ‘Humble Boy’ won the award for ‘Best Set Presentation’ – a most pleasurable but well deserved surprise. Virginia Hunt and her team had produced a stunning set for the play last autumn and now the Bramhall cup, a plaque and certificate stand proudly in our foyer. Congratulations to Barbara and Virginia. Phil Perry’s poster for ‘The Cemetery Club’ was in the last four out of a huge number submitted and was praised on a number of counts by the judges. Well done Phil, who now designs all our posters.
Work parties have been on-going throughout the summer and a great deal has been achieved thanks to those of you who have so freely given of your time. We have now decorated the kitchen, the stairs and the ceiling in the foyer. Arthur and Bob not only repaired the foyer ceiling but have also laid a lovely new laminate floor in the corridor between the loos. We still have long list of things to do but with your help will get it done bit by bit. HUGE thanks to those of you who have helped. You really have made a difference to our theatre.
Bar windows Thanks to Janet Illidge’s work on grant applications, we received £150 from Davenham parish council and, together with the one we received earlier from the Town council, used it to provide the much needed new double glazed windows in the foyer.
AGM – This took place on 8th July but was attended by few people. From this, we can only hope that the membership is satisfied with what the society provides. Feel free to tell us if you think otherwise. Our committee meetings are open to any member and we welcome participation and help in any form.
Wednesday 15th Sept – Committee meeting at 8pm
Friday 17th - Saturday 18th Sept – Not a DSP event, but don’t forget the Northwich Beer Festival. The beer is sourced by CAMRA and the finance by Rotary. A great charity fundraiser and a chance to meet all local the people you know in the one evening !
Thursday 23rd Sept – Jazz Evening. Tickets from DAN office on 01606 41597
Sunday 3rd Oct – Film premiere of “Saskia” originally premiered on stage at Davenham – at DeBees, Winsford 7pm
Wed 20th Oct- A jewellery evening at the players at 8pm A chance to see and order some stunning pieces of South African jewellery by ‘Miglio’. A great idea for Christmas gifts for the wives, fellas!
Thursday 28th Oct - Jazz Evening. Tickets from DAN office on 01606 41597
Friday 29th Oct - An evening of Halloween readings at 7.45pm Tickets £6 to include a light supper from 01606 79779
Tuesday 16th Nov – Opening night of ‘A Christmas Carol’ at The Grange School, Hartford
Thursday 25th Nov- Jazz Evening. Tickets from DAN office on 01606 41597
Saturday 11th Dec - Provisional date for our Christmas party with music, dancing and a hot-pot supper. Tickets £10 on 01606 79779 – to be confirmed later.
Thursday 18th Dec- Jazz Evening. Tickets from DAN office on 01606 41597
Our first production in the 2010/11 season is John Mortimer’s arrangement of Charles Dickens ‘A Christmas Carol’. This is a first for Davenham, being a joint venture with the Grange school, Hartford. It is being co-directed by Phil Perry of DSP and Linda Sunners of the Grange. Rehearsals are already underway and the production will be one of our biggest yet, which is one of the reasons why we will be using the Grange’s lovely new theatre, which holds an audience of up to 250. Tickets will soon be available and we will let you know how to buy them as soon as we can. This traditional Christmas story promises to be a spectacular production so don’t miss it!
Our Spring production is ‘Billy Liar’, produced by Paulette Anderson, and will be staged at Davenham from Tuesday 15th to Saturday 19th March 2011. Auditions are scheduled for Tuesday 11h Jan 2011 and Thursday 13th Jan at 7.30pm. The cast requirements are for five women and three men.
The forthcoming production of ‘A Christmas Carol’ is going to be a very exciting and challenging venture for all and is going to employ most of our acting members plus a huge amount of backstage help. So if any of you are available for helping with front-of-house, including sales of tea, coffe
e, wine etc we would be grateful for your help. Please contact any of the committee if you can spare an evening. Because of this heavy commitment, club nights will be suspended until after Xmas. We look forward to seeing you at the players during the autumn. Until then ........ thanks for your support.
Paulette Anderson – [secretary] 01606 79779
Bob Almquist- [treasurer]-01606 45186 Sue Tamblin – [Chairman] - 01606 852006